Changing Hearts, Minds, and Behaviors, One Future at a Time

S.P.A.R.K. Educational Solutions is a new educational services company founded to invoke a humanistic, innovative, and disruptive approach to meeting the diverse needs of school districts and families. Its team is composed of forward-thinking practitioners who are results-driven and work tirelessly to ensure clients experience the outcomes they seek and deserve.


S.P.A.R.K. vision of S.P.A.R.K. Educational Solutions is to support families and children by meeting their individual and unique needs. We partner with schools, districts, and charter management organizations throughout the country to disrupt the cycles of low achievement that push for better outcomes for ALL children.

We partner with families, schools, districts, and charter management organizations throughout the country to disrupt cycles of low achievement, including:


Successfully turning around chronically under-performing schools through a variety of evidence-based school improvement supports…


Training and empowering leaders to be strategic and get the right things done through leadership academies and executive coaching, and…


Helping to change the culture of teacher growth to one of trust through PLCs, professional development, and instructional coaching.