S.P.A.R.K. Educational Solutions

S.P.A.R.K. Educational Solutions is a New Jersey based educational services company founded to invoke a humanistic, innovative, and disruptive approach to meeting the diverse needs of school districts and families. Its founder is a forward-thinking practitioner who is results-driven and works tirelessly to ensure clients experience the outcomes they seek and deserve. S.P.A.R.K. aims to “Change Hearts, Minds, and Behaviors One Client at a Time”. The vision of S.P.A.R.K. Educational Solutions is to support families and children by meeting their individual and unique needs. We partner with schools, districts, and charter management organizations throughout the country to disrupt the cycles of low achievement.I think this should be personalized

FOUNDER & OWNER Founder of S.P.A.R.K

S.P.A.R.K.’S FOUNDER AND OWNER Founder of S.P.A.R.K. Educational Solutions, Timothy Jenkins is a forward-thinking, 21st century leader who is known for having a strong vision and fostering strong relationships with his students, their families, and colleagues. He is truly a product of his environment! Camden, New Jersey groomed him to be tenacious, bold, confident and empathetic. After receiving his B.A. degree in English followed by a Master’s degree in Education from The Graduate School of Education at Rutgers University, Tim began to manifest his ability to serve as a leader at Creative Arts High School where he held several titles. He then went on to pursue an Administration Leadership Certification from the University of Pennsylvania’s Aspiring Principal’s Program. He has served as an adjunct professor and oversees the Adult Basic Education Program for Camden city. At the age of 26, Tim became the founding principal of New Jersey’s first Big Picture Learning school (www.bigpicturelearning.org).

Under his continued leadership, the school became the first school in district to implement school wide restorative practices approach, and has maintained lowest suspension rate amongst district high schools. He was featured in “The Seventy-Four” publication as an extraordinary school leader in 2015. Under his leadership, MetEast’s success influenced the opening of several Big Picture schools around the country and triggered Camden’s local district to call on him to redesign the school and expand to grades 6-12. He has also successfully navigated the NCAA Clearinghouse process enabling graduating athletes to accept Division 1 scholarships. Tim has hosted and trained international leaders from Holland, Korea, Australia and Belize on the Big Picture Learning design. His accomplishments have earned him the “Innovative Leadership Torch Bearers Award” from Phi Delta Kappa as well as the “Ted Sizer Award”- Big Picture Learning National Principal Award. Tim is currently a national faculty member for High Tech High Graduate School of Education.

Welcome to S.P.A.R.K Educational solution

Navigating the special education system can be a daunting task.  Public education for many kids comes easy, and is a perfect fit.  However, when a child does not fit into the “cookie cutter” schools expect, public education becomes an entirely different animal.  When parents of students with disabilities begin this “journey” most just trust the people in the education system to do what they are educated and paid to do, only to find out that often it just does not happen.  Sometimes, it is not malicious, but out of ignorance.  Nonetheless, parents are the “IEP” (Individualized Education Program) or “Special Education” police.   We ARE the accountability and often must educate the educators.  S.P.A.R.K. assists families all over the Northeast



We treat our clients like human beings and we are here to help. Period. We take pride and respect the approach we take as we work with clients to experience sustainable outcomes.



Working with educators and clients to exercise the use of the latest strategies aimed at disrupting cycles of persistently poor student performance.



Our practitioners will deliver the highest quality educational solutions possible by utilizing best practices, ongoing self-evaluation, innovations, and customizing our services to meet your unique needs.